Getting into the discipline of writing is HARD! It's work. Thank goodness for Think Kit. For four years the writing masterminds at Smallbox have been generating questions to get us struggling writers going.
There are four prompts currently, and I'm picking my fave of those four today.
PROMPT: Give us the 30,000 foot view. Or, hone in on a few highlights. Let's bring last year to life before moving on to what's ahead.
2015 Theme: Fortieth Year of Fun
I am a big fan of having fun. For me fun means infusing moments with humor, spending time belting out my favorite songs, dancing with my girls (friends or kids), learning new things, traveling, having meaningful conversations, sipping wine, exercising with a friend, laughing until it hurts, and just generally enjoying my full life with my framily.
As I reflect on this year, I remember a January team meeting where we talked about resolutions. I consciously went into the year with the intention to be more moderate with my behaviors. Somehow going in with a commitment not to go overboard, resulted in one of the best years of my life. It wasn't good because there were highlights and lowlights. It was a great year because there were consistent positive and entertaining experiences. The less I tried to create meaningful moments, the more meaningful the moments were.
One of my favorite ridiculous photos from my 40th birthday party